The Six Pillars of Meaning and Connection is a holistic framework that offers a personal growth plan to nurture meaningful relationships and promote wellbeing and happiness.

Dr. John Bellavance introduces the Six Pillars Framework for Wellbeing, Positive Relationships, and a Sustainable Future; a holistic approach to personal growth and relationship development that combines intellectual, emotional, and moral growth to support peace-building in our interconnected world.
By addressing the core dimensions of personal meaning and motivation, the Six Pillars of Meaning and Connection is a personal growth plan that empowers individuals to nurture their potential, while fostering a deeper understanding of what it means to educate the whole person. Explore how the Six Pillars offer a pathway to creating a more compassionate, sustainable, and harmonious future in all relationships, starting within myself and my family.

The Six Pillars are taught through the Way2Happiness and Peacebuilding seminars, and are now available through the Values Renaissance Blog. Each pillar fosters the values and abilities that underpin personal growth and positive relationships, sourced from the core teachings of Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon and Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, and augmented by moral and developmental psychology, Social and Emotional Learning (SEL), moral philosophy, and spiritual texts.
Watch the introductory video to discover how the Six Pillars of Meaning and Connection unlock the potential for stronger relationships, enhanced wellbeing, and a brighter, interconnected future.
Videos and Framework created by Dr John Bellavance
Global Vice President, Sun Moon University (SMU)
Oceania Coordinator, International Association of Academicians for Peace
Vice-President, Universal Peace Federation Australia

I have been to some of the Way2Happiness & Peacebuilding seminars. The 6 Pillars framework gives valuable insights about how to manage oneself to establish deeper relationships within the family and within society. Bravo, I highly recommend this invaluable understanding !