With 33+ years of history in bringing together women to promote lasting peace, the Women’s Federation for World Peace (WFWP) believes that women have the incredible power to initiate healing and reconciliation where conflict and division exist.
One way we demonstrate this is through our signature project, the Bridge of Peace. Participants meet a peer from a former enemy nation, a different faith, culture, religion or race, and commit themselves to bridge the gaps of heart between them, breaking the chains of hatred and resentment.​

A New Beginning
Breaking the cycle of conflict through fresh perspectives is vital for achieving lasting world peace.
Acknowledging that hatred can be generational, passed down through the attitudes and conversations children learn from their parents. The Bridge of Peace aims to break this cycle of mistrust and prejudice.
During the ceremony, participants are paired with a peer from a former adversarial nation, faith, culture, or race, committing to bridge the divides of heart between them. Through one-on-one connections, they move beyond collective pain, choosing reconciliation and healing over resentment.
This powerful commitment interrupts the cycle of conflict, liberating both participants to build a future grounded in peace and understanding.

Each of Us has the Power to Make a Difference
"If women all around the world take one another's hands as sisters, their men would cease to fight and kill one another ... parents would no longer mourn the loss of their sons and daughters. "
- Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, Founder of WFWP - International
This belief is both empowering and challenging, as it places the responsibility for world peace in each person’s hands—not just governments. While governments have their roles, true change happens in our everyday interactions, shaped by our perspectives and responses to life’s challenges. Through the Bridge of Peace, WFWPI champions this individual impact on peace.
The Bridge of Peace Ceremony shifts focus from fault finding to personal responsibility, encouraging participants to care deeply for one another. This approach to conflict resolution draws out the best in each person, fostering unity, mutual respect, and empowering individuals to become catalysts for lasting peace.

The 4 Steps for Peace Building
We free ourselves from resentment and anger by recognising these emotions as poisons that drain us. Our attitudes, thoughts, and mindset matter far more than external circumstances. By taking responsibility for our mindset and choosing to start anew, we can liberate ourselves from the lingering effects of past or present hurts—even if our circumstances remain the same.
When we acknowledge the rights of others, regardless of who they are, we open ourselves to the possibility of finding solutions. Without respect, the only answer is perpetuation of the cycle of conflict.
A Personal Cease-Fire: Taking responsibility empowers us to recognize our own shortcomings and the ways we may overlook the needs of others. Ending conflict in our lives requires a personal "cease-fire" rooted in self-awareness, an honest reflection of our actions, and a willingness to see from another’s perspective.
By embracing our peace partner—whether as a new sister, friend, spouse, or family member—we affirm our commitment to one another and to personal growth in the journey of building lasting peace.