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Our Social Contributions, Opportunities, and Impact

WFWP Australia serves to support women and their families, nurture our youth, and foster environment sustainability.

Through programs and projects within Australia and the Pacific Islands, WFWP Australia's  commitment is to educate with values and promote a culture of heart - the mother's heart that cares not just for her own children, but persons from the wider community, other nations, and people of the world.


WFWP Australia's programs advance:

  • Sustainable Development by working to realise the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals.

  • Human Rights.

  • Peace and Security.

  • Global Development & Aid projects within the Pacific Island nations.


Find out more below!

WFWP Australia's Local Projects


Fostering peace-building, wellbeing,

happiness, purpose, & fulfillment for

all people regardless of their race,

cultural background, ability, or faith.


The Way2Happiness & Peacebuilding

seminar series applies an education

with values approach to foster peace

building, environment sustainability, multiculturalism, healing, and bringing diverse communities together.

Way2Happiness Seminars provide a holistic approach to foster good people, good education, and good global citizens. The curriculum is based on the universal values of living consciously, responsibly, and lovingly, the programs engage the philosophy of “Living for the Sake of Others” as the key solution for everyone to live happy and fulfilling lives.

Join the community!  Access the Way2happiness seminar series page here


Melbourne Pasifika Festival page access here 


Climate Change Assistance campaigns access here 

Local Projects reinforce U.N. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):

     SDG Goal 14: life below water.
     SDG Goal 15: life on land.

     SDG 16: peace, justice and strong institutions.

     SDG 17: partnerships for the goals.

WFWP Australia supports tomorrows leaders through the Global Women's Peace Network National Assembly, and the 'Leading into the Future' mentor program which connects emerging women leaders with established leaders.

How would the world be different with more women in leadership roles? 

WFWP International's 'Peace Culture of the Heart' calls for a new leadership paradigm, where the masculine and feminine styles of leadership harmonise to enhance the strengths of both and provide a place for the rise of future leaders.


We are entering an era where the role of women as peace builders in all sectors is needed more than ever. It is well established that the economic empowerment of women isn't just good for women, it's good for everyone! 

GWPN activities reinforce U.N. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):

     SDG 5: gender equality.

     SDG 10: reduced inequalities.

     SDG 17: partnerships for the goals.


Join the community!  Access the Global Women's Peace Network About page here

WFWP Australia's Global Development and Aid projects within the Pacific Island nations of Oceania have enabled thousands of women and their children to access university education, business training and micro-loans, gain skills to better support their family and livelihood, and receive resources that enable more opportunity and a more comfortable life.

Global Development & Aid projects reinforce U.N. Sustainable Development Goals:

     SDG 1 :  end poverty in all forms everywhere.

     SDG 3 : ensure healthy lives and promote wellbeing for all at all ages.

     SDG 4 : ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning                          opportunities for all.

     SDG 5 : achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.

     SDG 8 : ensure everyone has access to employment opportunities, and make sure they                            have jobs that last.

     SDG 10: reduced inequalities.

     SDG 17: partnerships for the goals.

Join the community!  Access the Pasifika Scholarship Fund page here

WFWP Australia YouTube Channel

WFWP Australia YouTube Channel

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